A Very Merry Italian Christmas: Virtual Italian Christmas!

A Very Merry Italian Christmas: Virtual Italian Christmas!

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♫ Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful.
And since we’ve no place to go,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! ♫

And while it snows (here’s hoping!), why don’t you bring a little extra Christmas joy to your home with A Very Merry Italian Christmas!

This year, we’re spending so much more time at home than usual, and it’s been a year full of change. Especially as we get into the coldest months, usually marked by beautiful light displays, Christmas Carols, and big, warm dinners with family & friends, it’s easy to feel the difference.

All this change has left a lot of us missing the usual holiday cheer, and wishing for something a little extra – which I know because so many of you have told me just this!! Of course, I wanted to do something to help out. So, I’ve spent the past week doing my best to figure out how I could bring back some festive joy, and I’m so excited to bring you:

A Very Merry Italian Christmas: Virtual Italian Christmas Workshops

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That’s right, I heard you, I listened, and to bring back to the festive spirit, I’ve put together a series of FREE Italian Christmas workshops!

Every day from today, December 5 until December 19, Doing Italy will be coming at you live with cooking workshops, virtual Italian tours, and Italian cocktail hours!

The full list of workshops will be launched on Tuesday, but in the meantime, I’m so excited to kick off all the fun with a Bonfissuto Takeover over on the Doing Italy Instagram.

Panettone: Italy’s Favorite Christmas Dessert

If you’ve never tried Panettone, or you’ve only tried an over-sweetened, dry pretend-Panettone, then get ready to change your life! Panettone is Italy’s favorite Christmas dessert, which comes in the form of a dome-shaped sweet bread. Traditionally, it comes with dried fruits and candied nuts, but these days you can find everything from pistachio-cream to pear & chocolate panettone. It’s truly delicious, and for the best panettone around, you can’t go past Bonfissuto, a mouthwatering Sicilian patisserie.  

To find out more about this incredible dessert, head over to my Instagram, and follow along with the Christmas sweets joy! Perhaps even order yourself your very own Panettone ;)

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Virtual Christmas Workshops

The joy doesn’t just stop with an IG takeover though – delicious as it may be! Together with some Doing Italy favorites, like Authentic Tuscany, and some new friends of Doing Italy (announced soon!), we’ll be taking you on a Christmas tour. There’ll be culinary delights, cooking classes with me, Thea, and a very special Italian-themed cocktail hour!

For the travelers amongst us, there’ll be virtual tours with certified Italian guides, who’ll be talking all things Italian Christmas traditions and there’ll even be a Q&A so it feels like a real tour!

And the best part, it’s all absolutely free, because everyone (yes, including you!) deserves a little Christmas joy.

To get updates for Doing Italy’s A Very Merry Italian Christmas, and to make sure you don’t miss any of our joy-filled workshops, be sure to sign up here!

 Is there something you’d love to know about Italian Christmas? Or a workshop you’d love to attend? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll see what we can do!

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